Having worked with quite a few companies over my career in web design, it has become quite apparent to me that the best results on web projects result from companies that employ a team approach to the content that appears on their website. A successful site requires ongoing effort, and my experience with a lot of smaller firms is that typically no one person is in charge of the company site, or the person that is in charge is wearing many hats. I find what has worked quite well on some of the new design or redesign projects that I have been involved in is when responsibilities for keeping a site updated and fresh are spread over departments. That’s when the content management capabilities (cms) of WordPress really shine.
What is great about WordPress is that there really is a pretty small learning curve attached to learning how to update text, add a picture, or create a new post. If you have a Facebook page, then you won’t have much of a problem using WordPress. Even if you don’t, you will be able to log in and manage making changes to text and images with very little time invested. It is also great for companies with multiple locations, as it has the ability to approve changes to content through an administrator is built-into WordPress.
Spark Creative Works has helped many companies move from outdated static sites to content-managed WordPress sites. We are here to support you with one-on-one training or you can utilize our Help Desk to find out how to upload and link that PDF you wanted to post. Give us a call today at 888-479-6682 or visit our site at sparkcreativeworks.com to contact us. Let us show you how painless it can be to manage your own content with a little help from Spark.